Play Therapy with Children During and After Divorce
Hosted by Institute for Couple and Family Enhancement
Friday, November 9, 2018 at 10 AM – 5 PM
Institute for Couple and Family Enhancement
500 N Loop 1604 E, Ste 220, San Antonio, Texas 78232
Parental divorce is at best a stressful transition for children, and at worst is a deeply traumatic experience that doesn’t end when the decree is filed at the courthouse. This workshop will provide an overview of directive and non-directive approaches to help children process and understand their experiences both during and after a divorce process. Parents’ coping and well-being in divorce is recognized as central to children’s adjustment and health; therefore, systemically informed treatment planning for children in divorce will be emphasized. However, therapeutic skill is only part of the knowledge therapists need with these children and their families. Half of the workshop will address ethical dilemmas frequently faced when working with children affected by divorce, including what we can and can’t do in custody conflicts and how to ethically and therapeutically share information about children with divorced parents.
6 APT-Approved CEUs for LMFTs, LPCs, and Social Workers, including 3 Ethics CEUs